His work has been profiled in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, ESPN: The Magazine and on National Public Radio.…
Maria is the author of. two New York Times best-sellers, The Confidence Game (Viking/Penguin 2016), winner of the 2016 Robert P.…
The right mentor can help us to see the forest from the trees, make better decisions and avoid treacherous pitfalls. Mentor Challenges.…
Scott Belsky is the author of the international bestselling book MAKING IDEAS HAPPEN and his latest book, The Messy Middle, explores finding your way through the hardest and most crucial part of any bold venture.…
Dismiss. 5 Reasons Why Self-Help Books Don’t Work — and why you should read them. Tyler Cowen. , the decorated economist, author, and host of the.…
Alexander (Alex) Osterwalder is one of the world's most influential strategy and innovation experts, a leading author, entrepreneur, and in-demand speaker whose work has changed the way established companies do business and how new ventures get started.…
While a reassessment of the role our gadgets play in our lives is healthy, many people are buying into a self-defeating fallacy that ironically makes it harder to dial back.…
Whenever someone uses personal anecdotes, you should be wary, because they are likely falling victim to the. narrative fallacy —. our tendency to condense complex events into easy to understand narratives, and essentially draw a linear story.…
Melissa Ambrosini is the bestselling author of Mastering Your Mean Girl and Open Wide, a keynote speaker, entrepreneur and self-love teacher.…
Source: Red Brain, Blue Brain: Evaluative Processes Differ in Democrats and Republicans, Uni Sydney.…
Projects in the Jungle, I Am the Night, Metal Magic… these are just some of the handful of forgotten albums that prominent heavy metal band, Pantera, released throughout the 1980s, before finally striking oil with their 1990 release, Cowboys From Hell.…
Freedom From The Mind. “Freedom is the open window through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit and human dignity.”. Former US President.…
Beware of The Immediacy Effect. The human condition is plagued and augmented — depending on the context — with all sorts of ingrained biases, many of which we are unaware of.…
The Arrival Fallacy. Once I get that person, then. I’ll be happy, we tell ourselves. Once I get that promotion, then. I’ll be happy. Once I get that house, then. I’ll be happy. But such happiness is fleeting.…
The Song - Not the Singer - Remains the Same (Part 1). In this episode, Mick and Jon explore the many iconic bands that have gone through notable personnel changes behind the microphone.…
The Song - Not the Singer - Remains the Same (Part 2). In this episode, Mick and Jon explore the many iconic bands that have gone through notable personnel changes behind the microphone.…
Episode #312: The Mask and the Shadow. On a recent flight from Melbourne en route to Bangkok for the Innov8rs Conference, I was reading author Robert Greene’s new magnum opus, Laws of Human Nature. I had the honor of speaking with Greene on my podcast.…
With some luck, a process-automation project we’ve got underway and a subtle but significant strategy shift could see us propel our employee efficiency to well beyond $500,000.…
When the Obstacle is NOT The Way. “What stands in the way becomes the way.”. Marcus Aurelius’ famous maxim still holds true almost two millennia after he first noted it in his journal.…
Robert Greene is the author of the New York Times bestsellers The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction, The 33 Strategies of War, The 50th Law and Mastery.…
So to understand why the two-party system endures, we must first understand how we ended up with them in the first place. The first reason is because. parties facilitate collective representation.…
What they do usually doesn’t align with their natural inclinations or strengths so they ultimately wind up miserable and unfulfilled. —. Robert Greene. Conquering the Need to Conquer the World. Philosopher to Alexander the Great.…
The triplet of opacity (our tendency to think that we know what’s going on in an incredibly complex, and random, world) is caused by: illusions of understanding. retrospective distortion and the narrative fallacy. overvaluation of factual information. 10.…
And for the most part, these books changed the way I saw the world and showed up. I made fundamental changes to how I live and work.…
The day was fun, and while the repeated falling over tested my ego and patience, the few times I managed to stand up in the two hour session were worth the perceived humiliation (it was all in my head).…
The UFC owes its business model to the WWE. The UFC owes a lot to the trailblazing and visionary Vincent Kennedy Mchamon the founder and CEO of the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) and I’ll tell you why.…
This creates a lot more value than repeatable process-oriented tasks because it means better results that feedback into your motivation to invest your time, and so the cycle goes on.…
Andrew Bogut and the Political Intolerance of the Left. Against my much better judgment, I logged on to Twitter this morning when I should have been writing.…
The Alley-Oop Show. ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTISEMENT. The Alley-Oop Show. The Alley-Oop Show with basketball legends, Andrew Gaze and Lanard Copeland. SUBSCRIBE. ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTISEMENT.…
Battle of the Bands. Since the dawn of recorded history, we’ve been wired to fight - whether it was fighting for survival on the African savannah tens of thousands of years ago, or fighting with our siblings for the remote.…