Episode #196: Innovation in Water with Sean Hanrahan

Sean is the Senior Environmental Strategist at City West Water where he works across a range of areas including climate change, renewable energy, resource recovery and sustainability. More recently, Sean has managed City West Water’s Innovation Fund. In establishing and managing the Innovation Fund, Sean has worked across City West Water to build employee engagement, identify innovative ideas and prioritise their prototyping and implementation. He holds a degree in Biomedical Science and a Masters in Environment and Sustainability both from Monash University.  


We explore a number of topics in this episode, including:

  • How to get and maintain buy in for innovation at a large Government owned agency
  • City West Water’s innovation process
  • Trends and developments in water innovation


Show Notes:

City West Water: www.citywestwater.com.au

Sean’s LinkedIn: https://au.linkedin.com/in/sean-hanrahan-63b00253

Steve’s keynote at City West Water: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFFtcvTrknY

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If you've got any questions on this podcast feel free to send an email to [email protected] or tweet me on Twitter @steveglaveski or @future_squared

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November 15, 2017




Steve Glaveski

Future Squared


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