Episode #171: Ask Me Anything (AMA) with Steve Glaveski

In this episode of Future Squared, I answer a number of questions that have been posed to me, either from workshop participants or from emails and tweets I’ve received from listeners.

If you like this AMA, I’ll bring you more of them in future and if you have any questions you’d like answered hit me up on Twitter at @steveglaveski or email steve@collectivecamp.us

Topics discussed:

-How much data is enough when running an experiment?

-How to get everyone thinking and acting like an innovator?

-Is the lean startup a full blown product development methodology?

-How to get buy in for corporate innovation

-How to prioritise between ideas and features

-Favourite outsourcing and automation tools

-Morning routines

-Biggest lessons learned

-Internal v external corporate innovation initiatives - which is better?

Show notes:

Jobs to be done prioritisation tool: http://innovatorstoolkit.com/sites/innovatorstoolkit.com/files/techniques/jtbd_outcome_expectations_prioritization.png

Collective Campus innovation resources: https://www.collectivecampus.io/tools

Listen on iTunes @ goo.gl/sMnEa0

Listen on Stitcher @ www.stitcher.com/podcast/future

Listen on Google Play bit.ly/FSGoog

If you've got any questions on this podcast feel free to send an email to steve@collectivecamp.us or tweet me on Twitter @steveglaveski or @future_squared

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For more information on Collective Campus, our innovation hub, school and consultancy based in Australia and Singapore check out www.collectivecamp.us



August 13, 2017




Steve Glaveski

Future Squared


Episode #276: The Corporate Startup with Dan Toma

Episode #252: Floptus Sport and the Five Whys

Episode 131: Is This The Future of Medicine? An Expert Discussion With Drew Taylor

Episode 86: The Therapeutic Relationship: Human Connection & Life Principles With Solomon Petrovski (The Mind Ninja)

Episode 85: Ketones - All You Need To Know: With Joe Rogister